Thomas Lee


Hi! I am a PhD student, supervised by Amos Storkey, in the school of Informatics at Edinburgh University and I am part of the Bayesian and Neural Systems group. My primary interests are in machine learning, and I currently focus on designing and analysing systems which learn to perform tasks given an online stream of data. Prior to the PhD, I completed a master’s and bachelor’s in Computer Science at the University of Cambridge.


For a full list of pulications check out my google scholar page.

Approximate Bayesian Class-Conditional Models under Continuous Representation Shift [paper]
T. L. Lee, and A. Storkey. AISTATS, 2024.

Hyperparameter Selection in Continual Learning [paper]
T. L. Lee, S. P. Hellan, L. Ericsson, E. J. Crowley, and A. Storkey. Pre-print, 2024.

Chunking: Forgetting Matters in Continual Learning even without Changing Tasks [paper]
T. L. Lee, and A. Storkey. Pre-print, 2023.

On Overcompression in Continual Semantic Segmentation [paper]
M. Kowalski, T. L. Lee, and A. Storkey. Pre-print, 2022.